This Time, Pitching Powers Red Sox
BOSTON, Oct. 25 — John Henry looked to the sky over old Fenway Park as his Boston Red Sox took batting practice before Game 2 of the World Series on Thursday. Henry, the team’s principal owner, believes there is truth to be found in statistics, and he was asked about his theory that every team has an equal chance — 12.5 percent — to survive the baseball postseason.
“There’s a full moon,” Henry said. “So maybe it’s 15 percent.”
Or maybe it is something much higher. The Red Sox are two victories from capturing their second championship in four years. They are heading west after edging the Colorado Rockies, 2-1, and they may have another trophy by the time they return.
就是此時 紅襪隊投手展現功力
當波士頓紅襪隊於週四在第二場世界大賽賽開賽前的打擊練習時,John Henry(註:紅襪隊老闆)望著老Fenway公園(註:紅襪隊主場)的天空。身為球隊大老闆,Henry相信過去的統計數字中,將會顯現真實的情況,同時,他亦相信曾提及他的理論,每隻打進季後賽的球隊皆有12.5%的生存實力。
“球隊出現滿月現象” Henry說:“所以機會可能提升至15%。”