Thursday, January 17, 2008

英文教學 - enclosure跟attachment的分別及用法

1. enclosure(n) 指信函內有附件, 通常指有實物(例如, 信件內附有收據, 收據即為enclosure), 但和信件本身是分開的(例如, 信函內有2張文件,1張是信, 1張是收據---2張是分開的)

2. attachment(n)指在文章後面的附件, 和文件本身訂在一起, (例如, 信函內有一份文件共2張, 1張是信件, 1張是attachment, 但訂在一起---2張是一體的)

attachment也常延用在email的附件中, 因為你並沒有辦法"打開"email信件, 拿到"分開"的附件, 因此把它視為和email一體的附件, 所以用attachment


Please refer to the attachement to the document and you will find more proofs.

The evidence is enclosed in the envelope. The enclosure took the detective a lot of time to collect.